Bemis School of Art

Steve Hixon


Steve Hixon is a Colorado Springs-based photographer with over 20 years of experience doing and teaching photography. He has taught classes at Colorado Christian University and several workshops at REI. He has a passion for capturing images of people and places throughout the world. Much of his landscape work can be seen on his website:

Steve was raised in Indiana and later spent much of his life in north Texas before moving to Colorado. He has been married for 45 years and has three children. Steve enjoys sharing his photographic journey with other aspiring artists, with the hope of making it easier for them to experience the joy of discovery. He desires to convey the essentials of composition, lighting, camera basics, and what he has learned and continues to learn about the digital darkroom. Steve uses a Sony a7r3 camera, a variety of lenses, and is proficient in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

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