Rui Haagen

From discovering adobe clay as a child to receiving a Master’s Degree from San Diego State University, I just wanted to play in the mud and share my passion for the ceramic arts with others. I delight in the patterns of nature and love to texture clay to create beautiful and functional works of art to be enjoyed in everyday life. In purest of growth in my art and craft, I’ve had the opportunity to study with many of our ceramic icons and traveled nationally and internationally for ceramic workshops.
I earned a graduate teaching assistantship at San Diego State University, taught at Pikes Peak Community College and retired from Cheyenne Mountain High School, School District 12. I’ve had the experience of owning a gallery/pottery shop, been a production potter, shown in numerous galleries and shows, been a Business of Arts Center artist and a member the Commonwheel Co-op in Manitou Springs, CO. I’ve had the excitement of being a two-time Clayfest champion, was Teacher of the Year in District 12 and High School Art Educator of the Year through the Colorado Art Education Association. Teaching at Bemis School of Art is such a delight and allows me to continue to share my experience and passion for clay with adults and children.