Bemis School of Art

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Mountain Landscapes and Watercolor Techniques

Level A – All levels welcome.

In this class, you will examine and practice the style of contemporary artist Jen Aranyi, known for drawing simple, abstract mountain ranges and painting skies with watercolors using special techniques. You will also explore the diverse ways to finish the foreground. This will require some drawing skills with pen and ink, but do not let that intimidate you, this class is for everyone!

Please note: By registering for this class you are agreeing to adhere to the Fine Art Center Bemis School of Art’s publicity waiver, medical waiver, and other general policies.

Ages 16-Adult

Supply List: Mountain Landscapes and Watercolor Techniques

Available Classes





Registration Cutoff

Member/Regular Price


March 12-March 19


10 a.m.-12 p.m.


April 14-April 15


6:30-8:30 p.m.
